How Do You Clean a Fuel Pump Relay to Improve Performance?

Cleaning a Fuel Pump Relay will enhance performance since it works at its maximum efficiency, always providing power to the Fuel Pump. Over time, the relay’s contacts may build up contaminants, corrosion, or dirt that reduces effectiveness. Cleaning the relay involves a few simple steps. First, disconnect the vehicle’s battery to prevent any electrical short circuits. Start by disconnecting the battery, followed by locating the Fuel Pump Relay, which is usually located in the fuse box or the relay panel. The precise location would vary depending on the model and make of the car; most cars have a diagram on the fuse box cover for reference.
Now take out the relay from the socket. Before cleaning, inspect the relay for any signs of corrosion or damage visible to your eyes. It is common, especially on older cars; it can’t allow smooth passage of electric current through. If there is corrosion, it will raise the resistance in the electrical circuit. This means the Fuel Pump will not be receiving adequate power. In that case, cleaning the contacts may make it work correctly again.

Now, to clean the relay, use a contact cleaner or electrical contact cleaner spray, which will clean off dirt, oil, and corrosion from electrical parts. Spray the cleaner onto the metal contacts of the relay and let it sit for a few minutes. Afterwards, take a soft brush or lint-free cloth and gently scrub the contacts, removing the built-up junk. It’s very important to make sure the contacts are completely dry before placing the relay back into its socket.

Clean it and put it back into the fuse box, then reconnect the vehicle’s battery. Now start the engine and see whether the Fuel Pump works as expected. Smoother performance from cleaning the relay should result in smoother running of the engine and adequate fuel delivery.

Sometimes, even after cleaning fails to solve the issue, replacing the relay completely may be needed. The malfunctioning of a Fuel Pump Relay could hamper its functionality, thereby resulting in low fuel pressure. Consequently, it would result in stalling, rough idling, or a difficult starting of the vehicle. In most instances, a new Fuel Pump Relay ranges in price from about $30 to $100 depending on the type of model for your vehicle, but usually includes extra costs in regard to the services offered for labor.

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